Ticket to Work Program Evaluation


SSA is undertaking a new evaluation of the Ticket to Work (TTW) programs offered by: Employment Networks (including Vocational Rehabilitation agencies), Work Incentives Planning and Assistance projects, and Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security providers. This evaluation will help identify consumer and provider experiences with these programs and identify opportunities for program improvement.

The topics and questions we intend to answer with this evaluation include, but are not limited to:

  • Program Effectiveness and Opportunities for Improvement: To what extent is the TTW program working effectively and efficiently? What aspects of these programs work effectively and what areas can be improved? What additional services or program improvements can be helpful to SSA beneficiaries? To what extent are beneficiaries aware of the TTW program? Why do beneficiaries use the TTW program? Why do beneficiaries not use the TTW program? Are there any changes to the role SSA plays in the TTW program that might improve service delivery and program outcomes?

  • Customer Characteristics: Which demographic groups (e.g., impairment, race, ethnicity, sex, SSI vs. SSDI, or other appropriate delineations) and intersections of these groups are using and not using TTW services? What services are most effective for different demographic groups?

  • Service Provision: How is technology integrated into TTW service delivery? Does this integration vary across service providers? To what extent are services keeping up with modern technological changes? Who are the effective service providers and what do they do differently from less effective service providers? How does beneficiary engagement and access vary between in-person and remote services?

  • Service Equity: Are the TTW services broadly available to everyone or are there disparities between which populations have access to these services? What barriers exist, if any, to service provision, in economically disadvantaged, racially diverse, and rural communities? How do program rules, such as the Ticket payment system, affect service availability? Are there programmatic or other disincentives to service providers in serving specific groups of individuals (based on impairment, education, geographic location, etc.)?


SSA awarded a contract to Mathematica to evaluate the TTW programs in September 2023. SSA will publish the final evaluation in 2027. 

Key Activities and Design

In late 2023 and early 2024, Mathematica is holding virtual listening sessions with beneficiaries, service providers, and advocates to share their experiences with the TTW. Mathematica will also hold virtual community panels from throughout the project. To learn more about the listening sessions and community panels, visit the Listening Sessions and Community Panels page:

In 2025 through 2027, Mathematica will conduct an evaluation using surveys, semi-structured interviews, an analysis of program data, and other data collection methodologies.

SSA will post additional updates and reports on this page as they become available.