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Legislative History

House Ways & Means Report on 1935 Legislation





Frank P. Graham, president University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., chairman.
Paul Kellogg, editor The Survey, New York City, vice chairman.
Gerard Swope, president General Electric Co., New York City.
Morris E. Leeds, president Leeds & Northrup, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sam Lewisohn, vice president Miami Copper Co., New York City.
Walter C. Teagle, president Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, New York City.
Marion B. Folsom, assistant treasurer Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
William Green, president American Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C.
George M. Harrison, president Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Paul Scharrenberg, secretary treasurer California State Federation of Labor, San Francisco, Calif.
Henry Ohl, Jr., president Wisconsin State Federation of Labor, Milwaukee.
Belle Sherwin, former president National League of Women Voters, Washington, D. C.
Grace Abbott, University of Chicago, and former chief United States Children's Bureau.
Raymond Moley, editor Today, and former Assistant Secretary of State.
George H. Nordlin, chairman grand trustees, Fraternal Order of Eagles, St. Paul, Minn.
George Berry, president International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, Tennessee.
John G. Winant, Governor New Hampshire.
Mary Dewson, National Consumers League, New York City.
Louis J. Taber, master National Grange, Cleveland.
Monsigneur John A. Ryan, director department of social action, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C.
Helen Hall, president National Federation of Settlements and director of the Henry Street Settlement, New York City.
Joel D. Hunter, general superintendent, United Charities of Chicago.
Elizabeth Morrissey, Notre Dame College, Baltimore, Md.


Arthur J. Altmeyer, Second Assistant Secretary of Labor, chairman.
Winfield W. Riefler, executive director Central Statistical Board, chairman executive committee.
Otto Beyer, Labor Relations Director, Office of the Federal Coordinator of Transportation.
Thomas H. Eliot, Associate Solicitor, Department of Labor.
Corrington Gill, Assistant Administrator Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
Walton Hamilton, chairman Advisory Council, National Recovery Administration, chairman medical problems subcommittee.
A. H. Hansen, Chief Economic Analyst, Department of State, chairman unemployment insurance subcommittee.
Alexander Holtzoff, assistant to Attorney General, Department of Justice.
Murray Latimer, chairman Railroad Retirement Board, chairman old age security subcommittee.
William M. Leiserson, chairman National Mediation Board.
Isador Lubin, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor.

H. A. Millis, board member National Labor Relations Board.
H. B. Myers, Assistant Director, Research and Statistics, Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
Herman Oliphant, general counsel Treasury Department.
Stuart Rice, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.
H. R. Tolley, Assistant Administrator, Division of Program Planning; Agricultural Adjustment Administration.
Victor N. Valgren, senior agricultural economist, Department of Agriculture.
Jacob Viner, assistant to the Secretary, Treasury Department.
Aubrey Williams, Assistant Administrator, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, chairman public employment and public assistance subcommittee.
E. Willard Jensen, Executive Secretary, Business Advisory Council, Department of Commerce.
Josephine Roche, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.


Prof. James W. Glover, University of Michigan, Ann Harbor, Mich., chairman.
Prof. Henry L. Reitz, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
Prof. A. L. Mowbray, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
M. A. Linton, president Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philadelphia, Pa.


Dr. Harvey Cushing, professor of neurology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., New York State Commissioner of Health. New York City.
Dr. James Deacon Bruce, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dr. Stuart R. Roberts, professor of clinical medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
Dr. Rexwald Brown, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Dr. James Alexander Miller, professor College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City.
Dr. Walter L. Bierring, president American Medical Association, Des Moines, Iowa.
Dr. Robert B. Greenough, president American College of Surgeons, Boston.
Dr. George M. Piersol, past president American College of Physicians, Phiadelphla.
Dr. George Crile, Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Cleveland
Dr. J. Shelton Horsley, Richmond, Va.


Homer Folks, New York State Charities Aid Association, New York City.
Dr. Eugene L Bishop, Commissioner of Public Health of Nashville, Tenn.
Dr. A. L. Chelsey, secretary Minnesota Board of Health, St. Paul.
Dr. Allen W. Freeman, dean School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Dr. Clarence Hincks, director National Committee for Mental Hygiene, New York City.
Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., Commissioner of Health of New York State, Albany, N. Y.
Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, Harvard Medical School Cambridge, Mass.
Dr. John J. Sippy, health officer, San Joaquin, Gtalif.
Katherine Tucker R. N., director National Organization for Public Health Nursing, New York City
C. E. A. Winslow, D.P.H., professor public health, Yale School of Medicine,
New Haven, Conn.
Abel Wolman, chief bureau of sanitary engineering, Maryland Department of Health, Baltimore.
Dr. Felix J. Underwood, secretary Mississippi Board of Health, Jackson, Miss.
Louis I. Dublin, statistician and vice president, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.,
New York City.


Dr. J. Rollin French, president Western Hospital Association.
Rev. Charles G. Jarrel, president Protestant Hospital Association.
Robert G. Jolly, president American Hospital Association.
Father Alphonse J. Schwitalla, president Catholic Hospital Association.
Dr. Arthur C. Bachmeyer, dean Cincinnati General Hospital.
Michael M. Davis, Ph. D., chairman, Council on Community Relations of American Hospital Association.
Dr. Nathanel W. Faxon, director Strong Memorial Hospital of Rochester.
Dr. S. S. Goldwater, commissioner of hospitals, department of health, New York City.
Dr. Robert C. Buerki, University Hospital of Madison.
Dr. Winford Smith, medical director Johns Hopkins Hospital of Baltimore.
Dr. Frederic A. Washburn, Boston commissioner of institutions.
Dr. Watson S. Rankin, director hospital and orphan section, Duke Endowment.


Dr. Frank M. Casto, president American Dental Association of Cleveland.
Dr. J. Ben Robinson, president American College of Dentists of Baltimore.
Dr. Le Roy M. S. Miner, dean of Dental School of Harvard.
Dr. Alfred Walker, chairman of the Judicial Council of American Dental Association.
George A. Coleman, D.D.S., Philadelphia.
Dr. O. W. Brandhorst, St. Louis.
Dr. John T. Hanks, New York.
Dr. John T. O'Rourke, Louisville.
Dr. Bissell Palmer, New York.
Dr. Herbert E. Phillips, Chicago.
Dr. Roy Green, Sacramento.


Miss Dorothy Kahn, director Philadelphia County Relief Board, Philadelphia, chairman.
Miss Edith Abbott, dean Graduate School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago.
Miss Gay Shepperson, administrator Georgia Relief Commission, Atlanta.
Frank Bane, director American Public Welfare Association, Chicago.
Miss Elizabeth Wisner, director School of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans.
Father John O'Grady, executive secretary Catholic Conference of Charities, Washington, D. C.
Dr. Ellen Potter, director of medicine, department of institutions and agencies, Trenton, N. J.
Prentice Murphy, executive secretary Children's Bureau of Philadelphia.
Jacob Kepecs, Jewish Home Finding Society of Chicago.
Linton B. Swift, general director Family Welfare Association of America, New York City.
Walter West, executive director American Association of Social Workers, New York City.
Fred H. Hoehler, director of public welfare, Cincinnati.


Homer Folks, secretary State Charities Aid Association, New York City.
Jacob Kepecs, president Child Welfare League of America, Chicago.
Dr. Grover F. Powers, professor of pediatrics, Yale Medical School, New Haven.
Dr. Clifford G. Grulee, secretary American Academy of Pediatrics, Chicago.
Dr Fred L. Adair, department of obstetrics and gynecology, University of Chicago.
Miss Jane M. Hoey, associate director Welfare Council of New York City.
J. Prentice Murphy, executive secretary the Children's Bureau of Philadelphia.
Dr. T. F. Abercrombie, president conference of State and provincial health authorities, State board of health, Atlanta, Ga.
Rev. Bryant McEntegard, New York City.

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