OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2003

District of Columbia

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2003
Field office
and ZIP Code
Number Total monthly benefits
(thousands of dollars)
aged 65
or older
Total Retired workers a Disabled workers Widow(er)s b Spouses Children All
Retired workers Widow(er)s b
All areas c 47,038,391 29,531,615 5,873,673 4,899,704 2,772,576 3,960,823 39,541,474 27,230,628 4,238,982 33,433,599
Total, District of Columbia 72,271 46,762 8,952 7,196 2,372 6,989 52,910 36,862 5,151 52,456
Washington, DC, 'M' Street 26,855 18,770 2,785 2,455 1,055 1,790 23,229 17,505 2,096 21,060
20001 4,105 2,145 775 415 80 690 2,575 1,436 262 2,465
20003 2,335 1,435 420 220 45 215 1,676 1,119 142 1,580
20004 90 60 15 5 5 5 96 73 6 65
20005 875 635 130 70 15 25 668 496 51 670
20006 125 95 5 10 10 5 122 102 10 115
20007 2,355 1,845 75 210 170 55 2,503 2,062 217 2,115
20008 3,105 2,505 95 260 155 90 3,285 2,772 273 2,800
20009 3,205 2,190 525 215 60 215 2,356 1,673 150 2,265
20013 230 115 75 15 0 25 158 77 8 120
20015 2,355 1,795 80 270 135 75 2,225 1,765 255 2,110
20016 3,970 3,090 105 420 250 105 4,068 3,289 465 3,600
20024 1,750 1,120 255 165 50 160 1,348 935 113 1,260
20026 25 15 5 0 0 5 21 15 0 15
20027 20 15 0 0 0 5 14 12 1 15
20029 235 105 50 25 10 45 142 76 11 125
20030 180 75 45 25 5 30 110 49 12 95
20035 15 5 5 5 0 0 12 6 1 5
20036 400 320 35 25 10 10 411 331 28 340
20037 1,180 985 50 85 55 5 1,198 1,039 78 1,090
20043 15 10 0 0 0 5 10 6 0 10
20044 100 70 15 5 0 10 73 51 5 75
20056 55 35 15 5 0 0 39 24 3 35
20057 15 15 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 15
20091 15 10 5 0 0 0 12 8 1 10
20521 70 50 5 5 0 10 52 42 2 50
Washington, DC, Anacostia 17,260 9,220 2,845 1,890 470 2,835 10,664 6,107 1,174 10,310
20019 7,730 4,330 1,140 940 235 1,085 4,829 2,856 592 4,940
20020 5,960 3,235 930 630 145 1,020 3,672 2,157 385 3,590
20032 3,560 1,655 770 320 90 725 2,158 1,094 196 1,780
Washington, DC, Postal Plaza 13,765 8,595 1,885 1,520 390 1,375 8,988 5,885 982 9,810
20002 6,995 3,980 1,160 790 185 880 4,574 2,805 510 4,560
20017 3,205 2,255 340 280 100 230 2,054 1,459 183 2,495
20018 3,450 2,295 365 440 105 245 2,286 1,575 284 2,685
20090 110 60 20 10 0 20 67 39 5 65
Washington, DC, Shepherd Park 14,320 10,135 1,430 1,325 450 980 9,958 7,323 891 11,210
20010 2,435 1,620 330 195 65 225 1,625 1,131 128 1,730
20011 8,835 6,130 895 885 290 635 6,017 4,332 578 6,855
20012 2,125 1,555 145 225 90 110 1,633 1,245 173 1,780
20039 50 30 10 5 0 5 31 19 1 30
20040 100 55 30 10 0 5 64 36 5 65
20317 770 745 15 5 5 0 583 558 6 750
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record (OASDI ZIP file), 100 percent data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosure of the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.