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Social Security Area Population Projections: 1997

List of Figures

Figure 1. -- Total Fertility Rate (in children per woman), 1920-2030 Actual and Projected by Alternative

Figure 2. -- Male and Female Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), 1900-2080 Actual and Projected for the Intermediate Alternative

Figure 3. -- Age-Adjusted Marriage Rate (per hundred thousand unmarried of each sex) in the MRA, 1957-1988

Figure 4. -- Social Security Area Population (in millions), 1960-2080 Actual and Projected by Alternative

Figure 5. -- Median Age of Total Population and Population Ages 65+, Actual and Projected by Alternative

Figure 6a. -- Distribution of the Population by Marital Status, Ages 0-100 (January 1, 1995)

Figure 6b. -- Distribution of the Population by Marital Status, Ages 0-100 (January 1, 2080 -- Intermediate Alternative)

Figure 7. -- Social Security Area Population Aged 65+ (in millions), 1960-2080 Actual and Projected by Alternative

Figure 8. -- Ratio of Population Aged 65+ to Population Aged 20-64, 1960-2080 Actual and Projected by Alternative

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