Tables VI.C1, VI.C2, and VI.C3 contain details of the fiscal year 2019 operations of the OASI, DI, and the combined OASI and DI Trust Funds, respectively. The fiscal year for the U.S. Government is the 12-month period ending September 30. Fiscal year 2019 is the most recent fiscal year for which complete information is available. The descriptions of the values in these tables are similar to the corresponding descriptions and values in the calendar year operations tables in section III.A. Please see that section for a description of the various items of income and cost.
Table VI.C1.—Operations of the OASI Trust Fund, Fiscal Year 2019 Payroll tax contributionsa Monthly benefits and lump-sum death paymentsd Payment for costs of vocational rehabilitation services for disabled beneficiaries Financial interchange with the Railroad Retirement “Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account” Miscellaneous reimbursements from the General Fund e Undisbursed balancesf
Table VI.C2.—Operations of the DI Trust Fund, Fiscal Year 2019 Payroll tax contributionsa Interest adjustmentsc Monthly benefitsd Financial interchange with the Railroad Retirement “Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account” Miscellaneous reimbursements from the General Fund e Undisbursed balancesf
Payroll tax contributionsa Interest adjustmentsc Monthly benefits and lump-sum death paymentsd Financial interchange with the Railroad Retirement “Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account” Miscellaneous reimbursements from the General Funde Undisbursed balancesf
Tables VI.C4, VI.C5, and VI.C6 show estimates of the operations and status of the OASI, DI, and the hypothetical combined OASI and DI Trust Funds, respectively, during fiscal years 2015 through 2029.
Includes reimbursements from the General Fund of the Treasury to the OASI Trust Fund for: (1) the cost of payroll tax credits provided to employees in 1984 and self-employed persons in 1984-89 by Public Law 98-21; (2) the cost in 2009-17 of excluding certain self-employment earnings from SECA taxes under Public Law 110-246; and (3) payroll tax revenue forgone under the provisions of Public Laws 111-147, 111-312, 112-78, and 112-96.
Table VI.C5.—Operations of the DI Trust Fund, Fiscal Years 2015-2029a
Includes reimbursements from the General Fund of the Treasury to the DI Trust Fund for: (1) the cost of payroll tax credits provided to employees in 1984 and self-employed persons in 1984-89 by Public Law 98-21; (2) the cost in 2009-17 of excluding certain self-employment earnings from SECA taxes under Public Law 110‑246; and (3) payroll tax revenue forgone under the provisions of Public Laws 111-147, 111-312, 112‑78, and 112-96.