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Office of Analytics, Review, and Oversight

Volume I

Transmittal No. I-3-171

Chapter: I-3-7

Subject: Appeals Council Remands


This transmittal amends Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law (HALLEX) manual section I-3-7-40 to update guidance on issuing one action document for split actions, including to whom copies are to be sent and ensuring correct coding.

Explanation of Content and Changes

I-3-7-40 A. – We created a Note in section A to provide specific guidance on issuing one action document for cases with more than one claim, including direction to modify or combine language from the appropriate DGS templates, send copies of the action document to all necessary offices, and ensure the correct disposition code is associated with each claim in the Appeals Review Processing System. We added language in section C, a section on special considerations for medical cessations, specifying that an analyst delete an eView message concerning potential continued disability payments if the case is returned for a different action. Finally, we made editorial changes to improve readability throughout.

Date: September 11, 2020