Social Security Administration (SSA) Monthly Data for
Initial Disability Insurance Applications
Filed via the Internet

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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for fiscal year(s) 2012 on and is currently available in the following format(s):
This dataset contains data for the extra 53rd workload reporting week in fiscal year 2016 (see explanation in the Notes section) and is currently available in the following format(s):
Note: Data for fiscal years 2008-2011 is contained in another dataset, go to: Initial Disability Insurance Applications Filed via the Internet - FY 2008-2011.
The dataset includes monthly data at the national level for fiscal years 2012 on for SSDI applications filed via the internet. It also includes disability insurance applications submitted by all other channels (i.e. telephone, in person through a local SSA field office, or by mail) which could have been filed via the Internet because they met the criteria for applying online.
This dataset does not include applications filed online for SSI disability, which was first available to the public in 2017.
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers several programs which provide benefits to those who are disabled and meet other program eligibility requirements. SSA is responsible for the Nation's two primary federal disability programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Our disability insurance workload has grown significantly and so has the use of the online disability insurance application for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. Our goal is to make it easier and faster for individuals to file for disability benefits via the Internet from the comfort and convenience of their homes or offices.
The process for determining whether or not a claimant is disabled is complex. Depending upon the particular claim, the SSA might evaluate, among other factors, medical evidence establishing a disabling condition, medical and vocational evidence determining the capacity for work that might remain, the availability of possibly suitable employment, and severity and length of disability. For SSA purposes a claimant is either found disabled or not disabled. The SSA awards disability benefits only for long term disability and not for partial or temporary disability. A description of SSA's disability programs can be found at Benefits for People with Disabilities.
SSA administers two different programs which pay disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The disability standard for SSDI and SSI benefits are the same except for issues of blindness or SSI Disabled Child benefits (SSI DC). Eligibility for disability benefits for both programs administered by the SSA have two sets of criteria, namely disability and non-disability criteria. A favorable finding is required for both disability and non-disability criteria in order for benefits to be awarded.
Data Collection Description
SSA's Online Disability Benefit Application provides Internet front-end activity counts. When a disability application is filed via the Internet, an indicator is set in the record that indicates the information was received via the Internet. An SSA Claims Representative retrieves the online disability application and enters the information into SSA's Modernized Claims System (MCS). When a disability application is filed via telephone, in person through a local SSA field office, or by mail, an SSA Claims Representative enters the information into SSA's MCS. Data from MCS is downloaded nightly to the Title II Operational Data Store, the SSA's primary source of management information for claims process. Counts of disability application receipts are summarized to provide both total and Internet counts at the national level. Dates provided are based on the District Office Workload Report (DOWR) receipt date. DOWR is an integral part of the SSA's field office work measurement system. DOWR data is used to provide weekly and/or monthly volume counts of workloads that represent the mission of the agency.
- A Federal Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September. Most years our fiscal year workload reports contain 52 weeks since we include only full weeks, rather than cut off in the middle of a week. Every few years the reporting period is 53 weeks when we apply the end of week cutoff.
- Reporting quarters are administratively set reporting periods and do not necessarily correspond exactly to calendar months.
Data Dictionary (all datasets)
Fiscal Year (FY): A 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September.
Month (by District Office Workload Reporting (DOWR) Month): The month the data was produced. DOWR reporting months are administratively set reporting periods and do not necessarily correspond exactly to calendar months.
Total Initial Social Security Disability Insurance Applications: The number of disability insurance applications submitted by telephone, in person through a local SSA field office, or by mail which could have been filed via the internet because they met the criteria for applying online. SSI disability applications are not included in these counts.
Internet Initial Social Security Disability Insurance Applications: The number of disability insurance applications filed via the internet. SSI disability applications filed online are not included in these counts.
Percentage Filed via the Internet: Field D divided by Field C expressed as a percentage. This is the percentage of Social Security Disability Insurance Applications filed via the internet.
Comments: Information about a particular month's data collection and/or reporting.