This is a summary of the latest changes and updates to the Electronic Records Express (ERE-AR) Website. Summaries for past maintenance releases will be available for a minimum of 12 months.

May 2015 May 2015

In an effort to improve the users' experience with ERE, the following enhancements were implemented during the May 16, 2015 Release:

  • Provide a consistent look and feel to ensure a cohesive experience within all Social Security Administration (SSA) web applications
  • Bulletin board information is now located at the top of the Homepage in the "System Notices" link
  • User Instructions and FAQs are now displayed in the "User Resources" link
  • Added Help Links on the homepage to provide descriptions of different application functions
  • "Communication Utility" is now called "Contact ODAR Office"
  • Updated screenshots and language within the User Instructions
  • Updated error messages to be more descriptive
  • Users can manage their email notifications for "Files Ready for Pickup"
  • Pickup files:
    • Included "Detailed Instructions" for downloading files
    • Replaced "Folder Name" column with "SSN (Last 4)"
    • Added a "Status" column to display "Ready to Download", "Download", or "Failed" status

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