Electronic Outbound Request

Appointment Date and Time

The appointment date and time will only display for CE requests.

Note: Some DDS offices are in the process of updating their software. Although an appointment time is set for the CE appointment, the time may not display until all DDSs have completed implementation.


The location will only display for CE requests.

Note: Some DDS offices are in the process of updating their software. Although the CE appointment has been set at a specific location, the location may not display until all DDSs have completed implementation.

Electronic Outbound Request Status

The status of each request can be one of the following:

Payment Status

The status of each request can be one of the following:

Payment Request

To submit an invoice for payment to the DDS, click on the "View Payment" link. Until you have submitted the information for which you are requesting payment, the "View Payment" link will not display and instead you will see the text 'Need Report'.

Close this window to return to the application.