Social Security Administration (SSA) Quarterly Data for
Incoming, Pending, and Completed Public Inquiries
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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for fiscal years 2015 through the first quarter of 2018 and is currently available in the following format(s):
The goal of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is to improve core services provided to the public and provide alternative methods for conducting business with the agency. The Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support (OPICS) is the receipt, control, response, and referral point for public inquiries addressed to the Commissioner and OPICS. This dataset reflects the number of incoming inquiries, pending and completed inquiries from the public. As of the first quarter of 2018, SSA no longer plans to aggregate and report this data.
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
In carrying out its responsibilities, OPICS does the following:
- Responds to public high-priority inquiries.
- Identifies the most sensitive inquiries in order to be brought to the attention of the Office of the Commissioner.
- Provides ombudsman services for telephone inquiries referred from the Office of the Commissioner.
- Develops and issues online agency-approved guide language (over 900 paragraphs) for use in answering inquiries throughout SSA.
- Provides statistical information to the Office of the Commissioner and the Office of Communications on current trending issues.
- Handles complimentary letters sent to the Commissioner regarding service provided by SSA employees or offices.
- Prepares SSA employees' retirement letters for the entire agency.
For information about sending mail inquiries to Social Security, go to: Contact Social Security By Mail
Dataset Description
This dataset provides data on the number of new incoming, pending, and completed inquiries by quarter. The data source is the Electronic Management of Assignments and Correspondence system (EMAC). The table columns reflect the steps in processing the inquiries.
The “Incoming” column provides the total number of incoming inquiries, whether they are electronic, paper, or telephone. The “Opening Pending” column shows the number of inquiries pending at the beginning of the period. These inquiries can be in the mailroom, screening process, scanning, or data entry phase. From this initial stage, inquiries proceed to writing staff for the analysis, development, and preparation of a final response. Then, to a review before final action. These numbers are in constant change because new inquiries enter or leave the workflow process. The “Completions” column represents all inquiries completed to final action.
- A Federal Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September. Most years our fiscal year workload reports contain 52 weeks since we include only full weeks, rather than cut off in the middle of a week. Every few years the reporting period is 53 weeks when we apply the end of week cutoff.
- Reporting quarters are administratively set reporting periods and do not necessarily correspond exactly to calendar months.
Data Dictionary
Fiscal Year (FY): The 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September.
Quarter (QTR): The quarter of the fiscal year.
Open Pending: The number of inquiries pending at beginning of the period.
Incoming: The number of inquiries received for the period.
Completion: The number of inquiries completed during the period.
Closing Pending: The number of inquiries pending at the the end of the period.