Organizational Structure of the Social Security Administration

SSA Organizational Manual: Chapter TL - The Office of Hearings Operations

  1. Mission
    1. The Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) administers the nationwide disability adjudication program for the Social Security Administration (SSA). Provides the basic mechanisms through which individuals and organizations dissatisfied with determinations affecting their rights to and amounts of benefits or their participation in programs under the Social Security Act, as amended, may administratively appeal these determinations in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedure and Social Security Acts. OHO includes a nationwide field organization staffed with Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) who conduct impartial hearings and make decisions on appeals filed by claimants, their representatives, providers of service institutions, and others under the Social Security Act, as amended.
  2. Organization
    1. The Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA).
    2. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA).
    3. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA), which includes:
      1. The Executive Communications Staff (TLA-4).
    4. The Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (TLB).
      1. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for Administrative Management (TLBL).
        1. The Division of Administrative Support (TLBL1).
      2. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for Field Procedures and Employee Relations (TLBM).
        1. The Division of Field Procedures (TLBM1).
        2. The Division of Program Support (TLBM2).
      3. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for National Service Delivery (TLBG).
        1. The Administrative Control Staff (TLBG-1).
        2. The Workload Control Staff (TLBG-2).
        3. The Decision Writing Unit (TLBG-3).
        4. The Special Review Cadre Staff (TLBG-4).
        5. The National Hearing Centers (TLBG-F3Z01, TLBG-F3Z02, TLBG-F5Z01, TLBG-F6Z01, TLBG-F7Z01).
        6. The National Case Assistance Center (TLBG7), the National Case Assistance Center Central (TLBG-F7Z04), the National Case Assistance Center East (TLBG-F3Z04), and the National Case Assistance Center West (TLBG-F9Z01).
      4. The Offices of the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judges (TLB-F1-TLB-FX).
    5. The Office of Executive Operations and Strategic Management (TLG).
      1. The Division of Training and Emploee Services (TLGH).
      2. The Division of Quality Service (TLGN).
    6. The Office of Budget, Facilities and Security (OBFS) (TLJ).
      1. The Division of Finance and Budget Analysis (TLJA).
      2. The Division of Materiel Resources (TLJB).
      3. The Division of Security (TLJC).
      4. The Division of Management Information and Analysis (TLJE).
      5. The Division of Workload Management (TLJG).
    7. The Office of Electronic Services and Systems Integration (OESSI) (TLK).
      1. The Division of Electronic Services (TLKA).
      2. The Division of Information Technology Integration (TLKB).
  3. Functions
    1. The Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA) is directly responsible for carrying out OHO’s mission of holding hearings and rendering decisions on appeals filed under titles II, VIII, and XVI of the Social Security Act, as amended. The Deputy Commissioner is responsible for planning, directing, managing, coordinating, and maintaining the integrity of the nationwide SSA disability adjudication program.
    2. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA) carries out his/her OHO-wide responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe.
    3. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Hearings Operations (TLA) provides staff assistance on the full range of responsibilities. The Executive Communications Staff (TLA-4) serves as the Deputy Commissioner’s primary point of coordination for program and communications plans and strategies to ensure information is disseminated to advocates and defends the Commissioner’s views, positions and programs. Works with the Office of Communications to develop broad communications strategies and concepts pertaining to current and emerging issues in the Social Security program and OHO-related program policies and operational impacts. Coordinates the monitoring of OHO’s progress toward meeting established agency goals and considers recommendations for needed adjustments to enable OHO to meet these goals. Coordinates and integrates the administrative planning activities of OHO into the long-range goals and objectives of SSA. Administers and oversees OHO’s strategic planning activities including agency plans such as the Agency Strategic Plan, SSA’s Annual Performance Plan, the Program for Objective Achievements, and Agency Performance Indicators, among others. Works directly with OHO components to develop, track, and monitor achievement of operational plans. Directs an ongoing analysis of the concerns of public interest groups with respect to SSA/ OHO program issues involving policy and operational decisions, and reviews all major communications questions that are escalated to the Deputy Commissioner for decision and makes necessary recommendations. Also, directs specific OHO program-related publications and approves final-product submissions.
    4. The Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (TLB) serves as the principal consultant and adviser to the Deputy Commissioner on all matters concerning the ALJ hearing function. Under the executive leadership of Deputy Commissioner, manages and administers a hearings organization consisting of a nationwide network of hearing offices and supporting regional offices, including oversight of the national hearing centers, and national case assistance centers. Plans, directs. Manages, coordinates, and evaluates the nationwide hearings process of SSA. Identifies staffing and other resources needed to achieve organizational objectives. With the assistance of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judges and the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judges, oversees the hearings process conducted by ALJs, who conduct hearings and renders decisions in which claimants disagree with determinations issued under the provisions of the Social Security Act, as amended. Oversees quality and effectiveness of alternate adjudication processes used in connection with appeals filed at the hearing level. The Chief Administrative Law Judge has responsibility for maintaining effective channels of communication among the Deputy Commissioner, the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judges, the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judges, and ALJs. Formulates and develops broad policies and objectives and establishes program goals for the ALJs. Engages in continuous examination of all aspects of OHO field operations and implements improvements where needed. The Chief Administrative Law Judge is primarily responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective business process for all functions related to claims filed at the hearings level and for developing and maintaining procedures for effective operations of the hearing program. Directs a professional staff engaged in providing liaison services to field personnel with respect to implementing substantive policy, program, and procedural matters. Provides management oversight for all managerial activities in OHO field offices, coordinating activities. Conducts liaison with other government and private agencies on issues falling within the Chief Administrative Law Judge’s areas of responsibility.
      1. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for Administrative Management (TLBL) provides line management authority over designated administrative areas within the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge in addressing field operational needs and concerns. Establishes administrative and long-range goals and objectives as they relate to the hearings process. Researches areas of OHO programs, develops, and implements provisions for improvements and/or enhancements within statutory and budgetary limitations. Provides advice and guidance to field offices in specific management or administrative support services areas of identified needs.
        1. The Division of Administrative Support (TLBL1) works with the Chief Administrative Law Judge, Deputy Chief Administrative Law Judge, and the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for Administrative Management on day-to-day activities of Headquarters and field operations and serves as an expert resource on varied programs, business processes, and policy issues at meetings occurring at all agency levels and with external groups as well. As needed, serves as a resource on audits or assists with correction of program and business processes in specific hearing offices.
      2. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for Field Procedures and Employee Relations (TLBM) provides line management authority over program policy and procedures, ALJ misconduct, and related issues. Assists in promoting and maintaining consistency in the interpretation, application, and implementation of policies, procedures, and practices in the field, sharing responsibility with the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judges. Coordinates with the Office of Executive Operations and and Strategic Management, Office of General Counsel, and the Office of Labor Management and Employee Relations concerning investigations of allegations of improper conduct on the part of field employees, including ALJs, which may be in violation of the law, regulations, and/or agency operating rules. Advises management with respect to investigations.
        1. The Division of Field Procedures (TLBM1) formulates, develops, communicates, and oversees field practices and procedures, assuring the legal sufficiency of ALJ hearings and decisions and governing the conduct of fee appeals and representative relations. Reviews and acts on draft proposed SSA regulations and rulings. Initiates and authors HALLEX and Findings Integrated templates systems programs and keeps them current. Reviews new or revised court orders and/or decisions, detailing specific involved and ensures their release to the field. Works with the Office of Executive Operations and and Strategic Management to identify developmental and training needs for ALJs, managers, supervisors, and other field office employees. Identifies ALJ training instructors, training program context and materials, and prepares agenda. Coordinates with the Office of Executive Operations and Strategic Management in providing or arranging for needed development and training of field office employees. Surveys, analyzes, and audits field office operations to ensure national training procedures are adhered to. Promotes OHO-wide consistency of the application of national procedures by enforcing policy throughout the hearings operation.
        2. The Division of Program Support (TLBM2) supports OHO’s mission by working closely with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) on ALJ accountability, discipline, conduct, and workload management issues. This involves collaboration with OGC in researching, documenting, preparing, and testifying in arbitrations and Merit Systems Protection Board cases related to the ALJ Corps. Works with the Office of Labor Management and Employee Relations to address International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers contract issues, proposals, and requests for information. In conjunction with Regional Offices, provides oversight and management of ALJ work schedules and reasonable accommodation requests. In conjunction with the Office of Executive Operations and Strategic Management, provides support when addressing ALJ bias and misconduct complaints. Provides oversight and management of a multi-pronged quality review of the hearings operations at all levels.
      3. The Office of the Associate Chief Administrative Law Judge for National Service Delivery (TLBG) provides line management authority to address hearings backlogs and reduce case processing times in a totally electronic environment, serving as the primary point of contact for the Special Review Cadre, and all national hearing center and national case assistance center locations. Works with Headquarters components in addressing management and administrative support services needs and concerns. Receives and analyzes hearing and case assistance center requests for resources in the areas of budget, staffing, equipment, travel, opening and/or relocating hearing or case assistance centers and determines requirements to meet identified needs. Provides advice, guidance, and counsel to the Special Review Cadre, hearing and case assistance centers in specific areas of identified needs. Coordinates with the appropriate Headquarters components in obtaining resources to meet hearing and case assistance center needs. Assists the Chief Administrative Law Judge in oversight of new processes and procedures approved for the hearing and case assistance centers and in piloting new ideas. Coordinates with the Office of Electronic Services and Systems Integration on other special initiatives such as Disability Service Improvement, the electronic folder, video hearings, digital recordings of hearings, etc. Pilots new initiatives.
        1. The Administrative Control Staff (TLBG-1) assists in the creation of new contracts and oversees contracts assigned to the hearing and case assistance centers. Works in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge in preparing and implementing Hearing Center ALJ hiring process. Reviews, analyzes, and recommends changes in budget and position allocations. Reviews and recommends needed action on requests for new or realigned space in the hearing and case assistance centers.
        2. The Workload Control Staff (TLBG-2) reviews management information reports to ensure accuracy of monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly reports received from the hearing and case assistance centers. Plans and develops requirements to be used for specific management information reporting systems. Designs, oversees, and reviews the implementation of organizational and workflow processes in the hearing and case assistance centers.
        3. The Decision Writing Unit (TLBG-3) provides assistance to meet needs for decision writing.
        4. Special Review Cadre Staff (TLBG-4) reviews, re-determines, and processes hearing and appeal level cases identified pursuant to section 1129(l) of the Social Security Act, as amended. When the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) identifies a cluster of fraud cases, consults with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Office of Program Integrity (OPI), and other necessary components to develop a coordinated plan for reviewing and adjudicating cases involving alleged fraud. Processes these cases pursuant to sections 205(u) and 1631(e) of the Social Security Act, as amended.
        5. The National Hearing Centers (TLBG-F3Z01, TLBG-F3Z02, TLBG-F5Z01, TLBG-F6Z01, and TLBG-F7Z01) administers the hearings level of claims processing for SSA programs in all areas of the nation, by virtue of video hearings. Receives requests for hearings from heavily impacted hearing offices, providing balanced, effective, and efficient service to claimants and to beneficiaries by receiving, developing, scheduling, and holding hearings via video recordings, and deciding appealed applications for benefits.
        6. The National Case Assistance Center (TLBG7), National Case Assistance Center Central (TLBG-F7Z04), National Case Assistance Center East (TLBG-F3Z04), and National Case Assistance Center West (TLBG-F9Z01) helps to address various backlog initiatives within OHO by providing support with decision writing, scheduling, and case pulling to assist hearing offices.
      4. The Offices of the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judge (TLB-F1 – TLB-FX) acts on behalf of the Deputy Commissioner and the Chief Administrative Law Judge at the respective regional levels on all matters involving the hearings process and is directly responsible for the effective execution of the hearings process within the region. Provides direction, leadership, management, and guidance to the regional staff and to the hearing offices in the region, including ALJs and their staff. Is responsible for the regional implementation of national policies, goals, and objectives for the ALJs and support staff in the region. Develops and recommends OHO action with respect to allegations of unfair hearings within the region. Is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of regional and hearing office management. Reviews hearing practices and procedures to detect trends, training needs, and operational problems. Investigates allegations of improper employee conduct, and makes recommendations as to necessary corrective action. Has responsibility for the acquisition and distribution of human and material resources within the region. Coordinates operation and administrative activities with SSA regional components, State agencies, and others, as necessary. Establishes a program to maintain ongoing communication with Congressional offices on issues of mutual interest and ensures timely and accurate responses to Congressional inquiries. Ensures that court remands are processed efficiently within the region, and coordinates with the Office of the Regional Chief Counsel to foster OHO compliance with court requirements. Serves as an expert adviser on substantive issues within the region, and upon requests by ALJs, provides advice and guidance in matters relating to adjudicating cases under the provision of the Social Security Act, as amended. Reviews and analyzes fee petitions and agreements from attorneys and representatives of claimants for the provision of services at the hearing level, and authorizes payment of fees in those cases where the fees are beyond the authority of a hearing office ALJ.
      5. Each Office of the Regional Chief Administrative Law Judge (TLB-F1 – TLB- FX) acts on behalf of the Deputy Commissioner and the Chief Administrative Law Judge at the respective regional levels on all matters involving the hearings process and is directly responsible for the effective execution of the hearings process within the region. Provides direction, leadership, management, and guidance to the regional staff and to the hearing offices in the region, including ALJs and their staff. Is responsible for the regional implementation of national policies, goals, and objectives for the ALJs and support staff in the region. Develops and recommends OHO action with respect to allegations of unfair hearings within the region. Is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of regional and hearing office management. Reviews hearing practices and procedures to detect trends, training needs, and operational problems. In coordination with the Office of Labor Management and Employee Relations and the Office of General Counsel, investigates allegations of improper employee conduct, and makes recommendations as to necessary corrective action. Has responsibility for the acquisition and distribution of human and materiel resources within the region. Coordinates operation and administrative activities with SSA regional components, State agencies and others, as necessary. Establishes a program to maintain ongoing communication with Congressional offices on issues of mutual interest and ensures timely and accurate responses to Congressional inquiries. Ensures that court remands are processed efficiently within the region, and coordinates with the Office of the Regional Chief Counsel to foster OHO compliance with court requirements. Serves as an expert adviser on substantive issues within the region, and upon requests by ALJs, provides advice and guidance in matters relating to adjudicating cases under the provisions of the Social Security Act, as amended. Reviews and analyzes fee petitions and agreements from attorneys and representatives of claimants for the provision of services at the hearing level, and authorizes payment of fees in those cases where the fees are beyond the authority of a hearing office ALJ.
    5. The Office of Executive Operations and Strategic Management (TLG) provides support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner for all issues pertaining to high-level audits conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and other external organizations. Facilitates the processing of appointments and extensions of senior ALJs. Manages OHO training and professional development programs nationwide and in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources, Office of Strategy, Learning, and Workforce Development (OSLWD). For all areas within its purview and areas of responsibility, assesses trends and identifies areas requiring improvement to enhance the quality and effectiveness of programs in OHO Headquarters and field offices nationwide, and exercises authority for these functions. Manages OHO’s progress towards meeting established agency initiatives in areas of responsibility and makes recommendations for needed adjustments to enable OHO to meet these goals.
      1. The Division of Training and Employee Services (TLGH) in collaboration with the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources and within the broader framework of the agency’s human resources policies, programs, and initiatives, plans, directs, leads, and administers OHO’s development programs, including career and succession planning; employee recognition, human resources development, performance management, recruitment, and work/life. Directs all activities of OHO’s Training Center in collaboration with OSLWD. Provides overall training leadership that reflects the needs of OHO and develops overall field and Headquarters training policy for the agency’s strategic plans. Manages funding and other resources used to support the OHO training and development programs. Provides technical assistance to components to conduct needs analysis, integrates component lists of training needs and sets priorities. Decides what training tool vehicles are best for the training to be provided. Maintains technical leadership in training technology. Leads the overall OHO training evaluation program, assuring that the evaluation process is tied into the budget planning cycle so that expenditures can be accounted for in accordance with the requirements of the Office of Management and Budget. Plans annual training, estimates the funding needs, and ties funding requests and expenditures to strategic objectives and individual competencies. Develops OHO’s operating procedures related to training and employee development. Provides graphic art, photography, printing and duplicating services to support training, agency goals and initiatives. Administers an effective employee recognition and performance management program, ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all employees, and the Employee Suggestion Program for OHO employees nationwide. Manages OHO recruitment needs in accordance with annual hiring plans and administers recruitment plans among OHO components at the Headquarters and field levels. Administers OHO’s work/life programs, including health and wellness, telecommuting, work hours, etc. Develops, coordinates and publishes OHO’s administrative delegations of authority, and serves as OHO’s liaison for transit subsidy matters. Acquires and maintains reference publications and other material used by OHO employees visiting the Central Reference Library.
      2. The Division of Quality Service (TLGN) formulates, develops, communicates, and oversees field practices and procedures governing ALJ conduct, performance, and alleged public misconduct complaints in coordination with the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge. Consults with the Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity regarding equal employment opportunity matters. Serves as liaison with GAO, OIG, and other external organizations. Plans and directs OHO’s participation in the audits and studies. Reviews and evaluates audit reports and develops the agency’s position on the findings, issues, and recommendations presented. Monitors and evaluates the implementation of GAO, OIG, and other external organizations audit and study recommendations. Handles and disseminates information requested under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.
    6. The Office of Budget, Facility and Security (TLJ) provides executive support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner for all budget, finance, and acquisitions; facilities and other materiel resources; and security activities and issues for OHO. Has responsibility, accountability, and authority for these activities for OHO Headquarters’ components and the field, including regional and hearing offices nationwide. Serves as the OHO lead for planning, developing, and executing OHO’s budget and financial management programs, the primary point of contact for all OHO management information issues, and acts as the official source for the production and interpretation of OHO management information. Represents OHO on competitive sourcing issues including the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act. Provides oversight and leadership for the Advanced Procurement Plan (APP) for OHO Headquarters and its field offices. Serves as OHO’s point of contact for micro-purchase and component planning coordination, ratifications over $500.00, and liaison with the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) for national acquisition issues. Plans, directs, and coordinates the administrative support services (materiel resources) program for OHO. Provides oversight and leadership of OHO’s nationwide physical security operations, including physical security, protective security, and civil defense. Responsible for coordinating and integrating budget, facilities, materiel resources, and security programs and initiatives for OHO into SSA’s long-range goals, objectives, and performance metrics. Monitors OHO’s progress towards meeting established agency goals and makes recommendations for needed adjustments to enable OHO to meet these goals. Identifies areas requiring improvement to enhance the quality and effectiveness of areas within its line authority and assesses trends in these areas and applicability to usage and functionality within OHO.
      1. The Division of Finance and Budget Analysis (TLJA) plans, develops and executes OHO budget and financial management programs, advising the Associate Commissioner for Budget, Facilities and Security and/or the Deputy Commissioner of the financial impact of all decisions which may affect the program and administrative operations of the agency. Reviews and analyzes budget requests submitted by OHO components and formulates OHO’s financial operating plans and budget projections. Formulates, justifies, and presents OHO’s annual and multi-year budget submissions. Integrates OHO’s budget with SSA’s long-range goals, objectives, and performance metrics. Works with SSA budget officials to obtain the resources necessary to meet OHO goals and objectives. Develops all necessary applications for generating budget data and financial management reports. Executes and administers a financial management system, integrating resource management controls. Ensures that employment ceilings, obligations, and expenditures of funds are in conformance with authorized allotments and allowances. Administers the travel for OHO Headquarters and ALJs. Develops OHO’s operating procedures related to budget. Tracks and reports on late vendor payments.
      2. The Division of Materiel Resources (TLJB) plans, directs, and coordinates the administrative support services program for OHO. Such service functions include, but are not limited to, facilities and equipment maintenance; storage, inventory, and disposal of administrative supplies and equipment; printing and duplicating; property management; records and forms management; space management; mail and messenger services; and transportation. Plans and manages a nationwide supply management program for Headquarters and field offices, determines and establishes supply program goals and procedures, as well as overall program direction. Plans and designs records and forms management activities as a result of changes in functions performed, new legislative requirements and/or technological advances. Administers a space management program providing for the acquisition, assignment and utilization of space, including the design for office layouts and work areas to ensure optimum use and management of facilities. Provides printing and duplicating services to support agency goals and initiatives.
      3. The Division of Security (TLJC) provides oversight and leadership of OHO’s nationwide physical security operations, including physical security, protective security, and civil defense. Plans, directs and leads OHO in the areas of safety and self-protection. Develops and executes policies, operating procedures and initiatives to secure life, property and electronic information (both claimant and employee) in Headquarters and field offices. Coordinates at the executive level with SSA Headquarters, Federal Protective Service, local and national law enforcement, as needed on issues involving the protection of OHO information and personnel. Administers security programs and inspections, and coordinates with local law enforcement officials to ensure protection of OHO property and personnel, including emergency planning and security. Maintains sensitive data, develops emergency plans, and manages OHO’s Continuity of Operations Plan. Develops short- and long-range plans to ensure the integration of security objectives with agency initiatives, including issues involving the safe transportation of sensitive data among SSA locations and alternate duty stations. Coordinates the agency’s security initiatives in support of all OHO business processes. Coordinates security training and awareness activities for OHO.
      4. The Division of Management Information and Analysis (TLJE) serves as the primary point of contact for all OHO Headquarters components on issues related to OHO management information. Acts as the official source for the production and interpretation of OHO’s management information on behalf of the Deputy Commissioner. Uses macro and micro process models to analyze workloads and assess impact of actual or potential changes to OHO business processes; to assess the effect of alternative scenarios or assumptions on OHO’s ability to meet established goals; and to model individual offices to help identify backlog and performance issues. Formulates plans, develops, and manages major data research projects for OHO executives. Develops and analyzes OHO’s management information used to support the Associate Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner in making decisions, which may affect the operations of the agency. Works in conjunction with the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge, and Office of Electronic Services and Systems Integration, and other Office of Budget, Facilities and Security components to create, mine, synthesize, and analyze management information originating outside of OHO (e.g., Office of Legislation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Strategic Services, Press Office, etc.) and/or external to the agency (e.g., requests under the Freedom of Information Act, requests from Members of Congress, Social Security Board, etc.). Plans and develops requirements used for specific management information reporting systems. Assists operational components in analyzing data, and establishes OHO’s protocol for release of management information to external sources. Oversees other components’ access levels to OHO management information. Performs historical and trend analyses, and provides summaries and recommendations to OHO’s executives. Represents OHO on agency-wide management information initiatives and projects. Works closely with and provides support to the Executive Communications Staff on OHO’s administrative and strategic planning initiatives, providing current and historical data, predictive modeling, and other strategic management information, as needed.
      5. The Division of Workload Management (TLJG) sets performance metrics for OHO regional and hearing offices. Analyzes hearing workload needs and oversees workload transfers. Evaluates workflow processes and makes changes as needed. Reviews workload management and eBP compliance in regional and hearing offices. Provides management information and analyses of hearing workloads for OHO and other SSA executives and regional/hearing offices. Identifies problems and trends in the hearing workloads, and proposes solutions. Designs and pilots organizational change models. Coordinates with the Office of Electronic Services and Systems Integration to design new reports to meet changing needs and requirements.
    7. The Office of Electronic Services and Systems Integration (TLK) provides executive support to the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner for all issues pertaining to the integration of OHO’s electronic disability initiatives into OHO’s business processes. Serves as the agency executive lead in developing OHO’s automation initiatives protocols and information technology (IT) strategy consistent with SSA’s systems architecture. Provides data on OHO’s progress towards meeting established agency goals and provides input on recommendations for needed adjustments to enable OHO to meet these goals. Plans, develops, and executes OHO’s IT budget submissions. Provides oversight and leadership of OHO’s nationwide systems security. Plans, directs, administers, and/or evaluates electronic initiatives, automation support, systems security, and IT activities for OHO nationwide. Identifies areas requiring improvement to enhance the quality and effectiveness of areas within its line authority and assesses trends in these areas and applicability to usage and functionality within OHO.
      1. The Division of Electronic Services (TLKA) serves as the primary lead for the integration of OHO’s electronic disability initiatives into OHO’s business processes. Provides expert knowledge of SSA’s electronic business processes, as well as the electronic disability systems functionality. Serves as the focal point for all electronic initiatives affecting OHO. Represents the Deputy Commissioner in defining and prioritizing OHO electronic service needs, and, as the OHO expert facility, determines how electronic service enhancements are met. Plans, directs, and leads OHO in the areas of systems security, providing oversight and leadership of OHO’s nationwide systems security operations, including personally identifiable information security.
      2. The Division of Information Technology Integration (TLKB) serves as liaison with the Office of Systems (OS) and other agency components on all long-range IT goals and objectives and ensures that OHO’s strategy, methodology and approaches are in agreement with SSA’s Agency Strategic Plan, future process change initiatives/visions, system architecture and entrepreneurial activities. Provides systems support for the planning, design and development of functional requirements and the specification, validation and implementation of all OHO IT initiatives and operating procedures. Provides office automation and data processing support to all OHO components. Provides logistical support to OS during the implementation of new applications and technology in OHO. Evaluates OHO’s user requests for IT services, equipment and software and coordinates and monitors maintenance issues for OHO’s IT equipment nationwide. Coordinates and performs site preparation and installations or upgrade of workstations, servers and other IT equipment throughout OHO. Maintains liaison with OHO Headquarters and regional systems staff for identifying operational problems or needs and makes recommendations to OS to resolve outstanding issues. Performs email administration for OHO Headquarters and assists OS in performing email administration for OHO field offices. Oversees and coordinates all telecommunications activities in OHO nationwide. Following guidance from the agency and coordinating with other Webmasters, performs OHO’s Internet/Intranet Webmaster functions. Provides direct support for all OHO Headquarters users and OHO executives with respect to special equipment, e.g., notebook and Blackberry devices. Develops requirements and cost benefit analyses for OHO IT, including telecommunications and the annual President’s Budget and Operating Budget submissions and monitors OHO’s IT small purchase procurements through the procurement cycle. Identifies OHO training needs with respect to systems activities and coordinates with responsible OHO and other agency components to ensure end-users’ training needs are met.