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Social Security Area Population Projections: 1997

Table of Contents

I. Overview

A. Population Size and Growth -- Intermediate Assumption

B. Recent Trends in Population Components

C. Demographic Assumptions - 1997 Trustees Report

1. Fertility

2. Mortality

3. Immigration

D. New This Year

II. Assumptions and Methods

A. Introduction

B. Starting Population

C. Analysis and Projection of Components of Population Change

1. Fertility

2. Mortality

3. Net Immigration

4. Marriage

5. Divorce

D. Methods

1. Fertility

2. Mortality

a. Probability of Survival

b. Number of Deaths

c. Number of Widowings

3. Net Immigration

4. Marriage

5. Divorce

III. Results

A. Total Population

B. Population by Marital Status

C. Aged Population

D. Demographic Indicators

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