I-4-8-50.Preparation of Supplemental Certified Administrative Record for Sentence Six Remands

Last Update: 1/11/17 (Transmittal I-4-60)

  1. The Court Case Preparation and Review Branch (CCPRB) staff follows the instructions in Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law (HALLEX) manual I-4-2 to prepare a certified administrative record (CAR) on:

    1. All unfavorable and partially favorable Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) decisions following sentence six remands on which the claimant filed written exceptions and the Appeals Council (AC) did not assume jurisdiction.

    2. All unfavorable and partially favorable ALJ decisions following sentence six remands on which the claimant did not file written exceptions.

    3. All AC unfavorable decisions following sentence six remands.

  2. CCPRB forwards the supplemental CAR to the Reprographics Staff, which prepares all of the necessary photocopies needed to assemble the supplemental CAR.

  3. Reprographics Staff distributes an appropriate number of copies of the supplemental CAR to the CCPRB.