National Ranking Report By ALJ Dispositions Per Day Per ALJ
FY 2014 (For Reporting Purposes: 09/28/2013 Through 02/28/2014)
A ranking of the 164 ODAR hearing offices (including 3 satellite offices) by the average number of hearings dispositions per ALJ per day. The average shown will be a combined average for all ALJs working in that hearing office. Users will be able determine where a particular hearing office stands among the total with respect to this workload category.
National Ranking Report
By ALJ Dispositions Per Day Per ALJ
Fiscal YTD Ending: 02/28/2014
Workdays: 103
Click headers to sort in Ascending or Descending order.
Rank | Hearing Office | Region | ALJ Dispositions Per Day Per ALJ |
* Satellite Offices reported separately from their parent office.