Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for
Enumeration Accuracy

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This dataset contains data for fiscal year(s) 2006 - 2015 and is currently available in the following format(s):
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for the assigning of Social Security numbers, a process called enumeration. SSA issues a Social Security card (original and any later replacement) to each individual assigned a Social Security number.
Most new numbers result from a process called enumeration at birth which allows parents to apply for a Social Security number for a newborn child while in the hospital in conjunction with their State's Bureau of Vital Records. Other new numbers are the result of applications made in person at our local offices or from a process known as enumeration at entry which allows qualified immigrants to apply for a Social Security number as part of their entry into the United States.
We monitor the quality of our enumeration process by reviewing a sample of completed enumeration (new number) actions. We produce accuracy rates based on these reviews by dividing the projected number of correctly assigned Social Security numbers by the total projected sample population.
We consider the Social Security number correctly assigned when:
- the individual did not receive a Social Security number that belongs to someone else;
- the individual does not receive more than one Social Security number; and
- the individual is eligible to receive a Social Security number based on supporting documentation.
If additional studies are conducted, we will add the new data to this dataset.
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
A Social Security number is important because you need it to get a job, collect Social Security benefits, and receive some other government services. Many other businesses, such as banks and credit companies, also ask for the number. If you are a noncitizen living in the United States, you also may need a Social Security number.
You can find a description of SSA's enumeration process and details on how to apply for a card depending on your specific circumstances at: Social Security Number and Card
Dataset Description
This dataset provides data at the national level for federal fiscal years 2006 - 2015 for the accuracy of the assignment of Social Security numbers (SSN) based on an end-of-line sample review of transactions that result in the release of SSN cards from one of the following processes:
- Social Security Field Offices or Card Centers - the public visits the field office or card center to request an original SSN in person,
- Enumeration at Birth process - an automated process that works in conjunction with the state’s Bureau of Vital Statistics to assign SSNs to newborns, or
- Enumeration at Entry process - an automated process that works in conjunction with the Departments of State and Homeland Security that assigns SSNs to qualified immigrants.
We are providing the data by fiscal year for each of the three processes, and the agency's total. The data includes the number of sample cases, the projected universe for each process, the number of errors, the number of errors projected to the universe for each process, the accuracy rates for each process, and the agency's total.
Data Collection Description
We identify, and review for errors, a sample of applications filed for original Social Security Cards. We derive the accuracy percentage by using a statistically valid sample of approximately 600 field office and card center transactions, 300 Enumeration at Birth Transactions, and 600 Enumeration at Entry transactions for original Social Security Numbers assigned in the fiscal year.
Statistical Information
Statistical Methodology:
Accuracy rates represent a mean value of the upper and lower limits of a calculated variability range. The mathematical formula used to establish these limits considers the size of the sample and the accuracy rate found. The formula uses a mathematical calculation to produce a variability range acceptable at a 95-percent confidence level.
All accuracy percentage rates are weighted to reflect the data as they would appear if the total workload had been reviewed.
Disclosure Avoidance:
Individual identifiers have been removed from all records reviewed and other distinguishing characteristics have been modified to prevent identification of persons to whom a record pertains.
- A Federal Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September. Most years our fiscal year workload reports contain 52 weeks since we include only full weeks, rather than cut off in the middle of a week. Every few years the reporting period is 53 weeks when we apply the end of week cutoff.
Data Dictionary
Field A: The Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September.
Field B: Process, Source of SSN
- SSA Field Offices: SSNs assigned through the Social Security field offices or card centers
- Enumeration at Birth: Automated enumeration process used to assign SSNs to newborns
- Enumeration at Entry: Automated enumeration process used to assign SSNs to immigrants
- Total: Combined figures for the three processes
Field C: Sample, Sample size for review after exclusions
Field D: Projected Population, Sample size projected to the enumeration population
Field E: Errors, Number of errors from the actual sample
Field F: Projected Errors, Errors from the sample projected to the enumeration population
Field G: Accuracy, Percentage derived by dividing the projected number of correctly assigned SSNs by the total projected sample population in each process.
Other Information About our Enumeration Process
For information about requesting an original SSN or replacement card, go to:
How do I apply for a new or replacement Social Security number card?
For Information about processing time for enumeration at birth, go to:
How long does it take to get my baby's Social Security card that I applied for in the hospital?
For information about how long it takes to get a replacement Social Security card, go to:
How long will it take to get a Social Security card?
For information about the random assignment of SSNs, go to:
Social Security Number Randomization
For information about SSN verification services, go to:
Social Security Number Randomization Frequently Asked Questions