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1994-96 Advisory Council Report


Table 1B. Comparison of OASDI Cost Rates, Income Rates, Annual Balances, and Combined Trust Fund Ratios for Present Law and Advisory Council Options With Reduced CPI*

Annual Balances (Tax Income - Cost)/Payroll Trust Fund Ratios (Assets/Annual Cost)
Year Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
(2.3% Int) (2.3% Int) (2.3% Int) (4.645% Int) (2.3% Int) (2.3% Int) (2.3% Int) (4.645% Int)
2000 0.98% 1.16% 1.27% 2.79% 192% 193% 196% 221%
2010 0.63 1.57 1.54 3.82 286 341 350 648
2020 -1.78 0.27 -0.36 0.84 236 413 377 903
2030 -0.28 -0.92 -2.21 -2.45 142 385 278 1008
2040 -0.37 -0.41 -0.05 -4.76 127 384 148 1104
2050 0.11 -0.18 -0.31 -6.49 116 417 152 1159
2060 -0.03 -0.53 -0.28 -7.92 109 430 121 1154
2070 -0.5 -0.7 -0.15 -8.52 102 432 101 1157
1995-2069 0 0.4 0 0.75
Proposal Provisions
Annual Cost Rates (Cost/Payroll)
PL PAYGO MTR MB PAYGO MB+ MTR (Maintain Tax Rates) Proposal (=1.6% IA but w/o IA)
Year Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Increase NRA to 67 (2mos per yr) by 2011,
index thereafter, keep EEA at 62.
2000 11.66% 11.69% 11.58% 11.58% Modify PIA formula :
2010 12.07 11.61 11.66 11.91 Reduce the 0.32 and 0.15 factors in the formula
2020 14.65 12.91 13.93 14.96 by 0.5 percent (multiply by 0.995) for 1998-2011,
2030 16.84 14.15 15.98 18.09 by 1.5 percent (multiply by 0.985) for 2012-2030.
Factors for 2030 and later, 0.224 and 0.105
2040 17.01 13.59 16.26 19.44 Increase benefit computation years to 38 by 1999.
2050 17.18 13.33 16.56 20.7 Change benefits for spouses of retired and
2060 17.99 13.69 17.43 22.2 disabled workers to 33% of PIA.
2070 18.5 13.87 17.97 22.99 Pay Surviving spouse MAX(ownPIA, spousePIA,
1995-2069 15.11 13.03 14.61 14.92 75 percent of benefits payable to couple alive).
Cover new hire State and local after 1997.
Annual Income Rates (Tax Income/Payroll) Tax benefits like other contributory pensions.
PL PAYGO MTR MB PAYGO MB+ Phase out $25,000/32,000 thresholds.
Year Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
PL PAYGO (Maintain about 100% Trust Fund Ratio)
2000 12.64 % 12.85 % 12.85 % 14.37 % Modify present law Payroll tax rate schedule:
2010 12.7 13.17 13.2 15.73 12.4% 1995-2024
2020 12.87 13.18 13.56 15.8 15.4 2025-2029
2030 16.56 13.23 13.76 15.64 15.9 2030-2049
16.5 2050-2059
2040 16.64 13.18 16.21 14.68 17.1 2060-2070
2050 17.29 13.15 16.25 14.21
2060 17.96 13.17 17.15 14.28 MB+ (Maintain Benefits+) Proposal (=MB with PSA revenue)
2070 18 13.18 17.82 14.47 Cover new hire State and local after 1997.
1995-2069 15.12 13.42 14.61 15.67 Increase benefit computation years to 38 by 1999.
Tax benefits like other contributory pensions.
MB PAYGO (Maintain Benefits PAYGO) Proposal Phase out $25,000/32,000 thresholds.
Cover new hire State and local after 1997. Redirect tax on benefits from HI to OASDI, phase 2010-19
Increase benefit computation years to 38 by 1999. Invest 50% of assets in equities by 2015, (start in 2000)
Tax benefits like other contributory pensions. Multiply PIA factors (90, 32, 15 currently) by 1.0062
Phase out $25,000/32,000 thresholds. each year 1999 to 2038 (115.2, 41.0, 19.2 for 2038+)
Redirect tax on benefits from HI to OASDI, phase 2010-2019. Raise payroll tax by 0.76 each for 1998-2069.
Modify present law tax rate schedule: Borrow from Treasury same amount as for the PSA proposal,
12.4% for 1996-2039, 14.8% for 2040-2059, 15.6% for 2060-2069, beginning 2002, and repay Treasury by end of 2069.
16.2% for 2070.
* Based on intermediate assumptions from the 1995 Trustees LTR (Lower Tax Rates) Proposal (=5% PSA but w/o PSA)
Report, except that CPI is assumed to be reduced by 0.1% (see Tables 1A and 1C)
for the December 1996 COLA and by 0.21% for December 1997
and later COLAs. Nominal interest and wage are unaffected. Office of the Actuary / Social Security Administration
Real interest rates shown in () do not reflect change in CPI. July 28, 1996
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