Social Security Administration (SSA) Data for
Field Offices and Resident Stations for Application Developers

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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for SSA Field Offices and is currently available in the following format(s):
This dataset contains data for SSA Resident Stations and is currently available in the following format(s):
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
For over 80 years, the SSA has been an integral part of so many lives. We work hard each day to fulfill our mission of protecting individuals and families against the loss of income when an unexpected disability or death occurs, or when reaching retirement age. We have a long history of exemplary customer service with high customer satisfaction. We have several ways the public can conduct business with us - see our SSA service options. Sometimes, a face-to-face interview is needed, while some people prefer a face-to-face contact. We have a network of Field Offices and Resident Stations for those who choose or need to do business in-person. The easiest way to find a local office is the Social Security Office Locator. (Note: If you think an office might be closed because of an emergency, check Office Closings and Emergencies.) The datasets referenced above are not intended to offer, nor are they formatted for, easy and quick lookup of local offices.
The machine-readable datasets above provide listings of all offices in a single download. These may be used by members of the public or businesses who want to build their own applications (apps). In using these files, always refer to the "Last updated on". See below for a description of Field Offices and Resident Stations.
Field Offices
SSA Field Offices generally offer the full range of SSA services. Services include: applying for new or replacement Social Security cards; applying for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits; making changes to your benefits information; and helping Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and resources apply for extra help with the cost of their prescription drugs under the Medicare Prescription Drug Program. Many of these same services are available on the Social Security website or through our toll-free service, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
Resident Stations
An SSA Resident Station is a very small facility in remote areas, such as at a community center, nursing home, etc. Resident Stations have more limited services and hours of operation, and are staffed by a small number of employees. Resident stations provide face-to-face service for communities distant from or not easily accessible to the field office. These are generally located in sparsely populated areas.
Data Source
Social Security Administration: A periodic extract of information in Detailed Office/Organization Resource System (DOORS). It is also supplemented with our 800 telephone number to match the Social Security Office Locator information. The Office of Operations updates the DOORS information as needed. This regularly updated information underpins the Social Security Office Locator, and is the primary way to find an office location. This dataset is updated quarterly.
- The Social Security Office Locator is the primary tool for locating offices.
- Due to COVID-19, some offices may have reduced hours of operation.
Data Dictionary (all datasets)
Fields A - B: Office Group, contains field office code and name.
Fields C - J: Address Group, contains office address along with telephone number and fax number.
Fields K - T: Business Hours Group, contains information about operating hours (open/close times).