Ticket to Work Program Evaluation - Listening Sessions and Community Panels

The Social Security Administration (SSA) hired Mathematica, a research company, to evaluate the Ticket to Work (TTW) programs offered by: Employment Networks (ENs) (including Vocational Rehabilitation agencies), Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) projects, and Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) providers. Mathematica is inviting beneficiaries, service providers, and advocates to share their experiences with these programs by participating in (1) virtual listening sessions in late 2023 and early 2024 and (2) virtual community panels from early 2024 through 2027.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is hosting the listening sessions and community panels?

Mathematica is hosting the listening sessions and community panels. SSA hired Mathematica to evaluate the TTW programs. Mathematica is a research company with over 50 years of experience doing research for SSA and other government agencies. 

What are the listening sessions and community panels?

The listening sessions and community panels are a chance for beneficiaries, service providers, and advocates (including parents/caregivers of adults with cognitive impairments) to share their experiences with the TTW programs to help inform SSA’s evaluation design.  

Participating in a listening session gives you an opportunity to provide input about TTW programs in a general way. It is a one-time commitment. If you decide to participate, you may attend a one-hour virtual listening session in early 2024.

Participating on a community panel gives you multiple opportunities to provide input – and in specific ways. For example, we may ask you to tell us how our research questions can be made useful to you and others like you. Or, we may ask you if you would like to help shape or test questions we include in surveys or interviews. Participating on a community panel is a longer-term commitment. If you decide to participate, you will attend three or four virtual community panel meetings from early 2024 through 2027.

Why should I participate in a listening session or community panel? 

Only you can tell us what your experience has been like. Your feedback will help us design the TTW Program evaluation to answer questions that are important to you. We hope that the evaluation will help us improve the TTW programs for people who use them. To thank you for your time, Mathematica will send you a gift card for participating in a listening session or community panel. 

How long will the listening sessions and community panels be?

Each listening session will be one hour.

Each community panel meeting will be one to two hours.

What technology do I need to participate in a listening session or community panel?

We will use an online meeting platform. To use all of its features, you will need internet access. You may also call in by phone and participate that way.

Can I request accommodations?

Yes. Please let us know if you require an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter or other accommodations. If you are not able to participate verbally, you can use the chat feature of the online meeting tool to share your thoughts.

Can I choose whether or not to participate in listening session or community panel?

Yes. The listening sessions and community panels are voluntary. You do not have to participate if you do not want to.

Will my information be kept private?

Yes. SSA and Mathematica will protect all information about you consistent with applicable Federal laws, regulations, and directives. SSA and Mathematica will not include any information that could identify you in public documents.

Will participating in a listening session or community panel affect my SSA benefits?

No. SSA defines the gift card you will receive for participating in a listening session or community panel as unearned income. If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), unearned income does not affect your benefits. If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the gift card will qualify for SSA’s Infrequent or Irregular Income Exclusion (POMS: SI 00810.410) and will therefore not affect your benefits.

Will there be more opportunities to participate in the evaluation of the TTW programs?

Yes. In future years, the evaluation will invite beneficiaries and service providers to participate in surveys and qualitative interviews about their experiences with the TTW programs. SSA will provide more information about these opportunities as they get closer.