OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2016


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2016
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 60,907,307 41,233,126 8,808,736 4,138,134 2,505,754 4,221,557 75,917,962 56,082,551 5,184,802 44,506,717
Total, Delaware 201,748 144,280 27,481 11,809 6,086 12,092 274,916 211,562 16,155 151,136
Dover 40,975 28,100 6,340 2,325 1,010 3,200 52,127 38,823 2,954 29,240
19901 7,360 4,955 1,185 475 195 550 9,082 6,718 579 5,260
19903 200 120 45 10 5 20 236 166 9 130
19904 7,845 5,080 1,265 360 165 975 9,880 7,122 472 5,330
19934 3,005 2,290 330 170 75 140 4,036 3,247 220 2,340
19936 110 70 20 15 0 5 138 93 18 80
19938 1,780 1,165 300 105 60 150 2,326 1,638 144 1,195
19943 2,940 1,985 535 155 65 200 3,646 2,659 198 2,010
19946 1,065 715 185 60 20 85 1,281 931 70 735
19952 2,515 1,775 360 135 60 185 3,054 2,334 160 1,820
19953 975 645 170 65 35 60 1,212 869 81 680
19954 415 275 70 25 10 35 503 356 32 285
19955 95 65 15 5 5 5 117 87 5 70
19961 40 30 5 5 0 0 52 38 5 30
19962 2,215 1,520 350 125 55 165 2,881 2,143 154 1,565
19963 4,950 3,640 650 300 125 235 6,440 5,044 384 3,820
19964 275 180 55 15 10 15 343 235 22 180
19977 4,975 3,420 775 290 125 365 6,632 4,923 388 3,550
19979 160 130 15 10 0 5 199 167 11 120
19980 55 40 10 0 0 5 69 53 0 40
Georgetown 61,915 48,355 6,510 3,120 1,590 2,340 85,063 69,833 4,255 49,235
19930 1,270 1,095 40 65 60 10 1,886 1,661 107 1,165
19931 100 80 5 5 5 5 129 112 4 80
19933 2,480 1,825 345 115 70 125 3,191 2,525 150 1,875
19939 2,215 1,800 175 100 60 80 3,049 2,585 140 1,830
19940 1,425 990 210 100 30 95 1,728 1,287 124 1,055
19941 575 335 125 30 15 70 649 423 34 345
19944 220 200 0 10 10 0 336 309 13 205
19945 1,950 1,530 200 95 45 80 2,565 2,121 128 1,520
19947 3,695 2,700 500 190 95 210 4,667 3,644 229 2,760
19950 1,610 1,160 215 100 40 95 2,004 1,532 117 1,200
19951 530 415 65 20 10 20 736 598 28 410
19956 3,365 2,320 555 210 95 185 4,156 3,082 257 2,395
19958 9,755 8,095 710 455 270 225 14,520 12,442 657 8,205
19960 1,440 965 250 65 30 130 1,717 1,262 85 975
19966 9,550 7,430 1,130 470 185 335 13,261 10,792 637 7,435
19967 460 390 35 20 10 5 726 618 33 365
19968 3,825 3,105 340 170 95 115 5,422 4,590 236 3,120
19969 75 55 15 0 0 5 101 80 0 60
19970 3,185 2,710 170 145 100 60 4,654 4,079 214 2,775
19971 4,780 4,030 315 225 130 80 7,198 6,227 337 4,115
19973 6,080 4,345 875 365 155 340 7,705 5,878 480 4,515
19975 3,330 2,780 235 165 80 70 4,663 3,986 242 2,830
Wilmington 98,820 67,810 14,620 6,360 3,480 6,550 137,704 102,895 8,947 72,650
19701 6,690 4,410 1,065 380 200 635 9,398 6,704 546 4,555
19702 6,865 4,465 1,220 405 195 580 9,384 6,699 563 4,630
19703 2,625 1,685 480 215 55 190 3,438 2,388 292 1,805
19706 445 295 70 35 10 35 582 411 51 315
19707 3,615 2,880 170 220 205 140 5,755 4,827 361 3,135
19708 20 15 5 0 0 0 32 25 0 20
19709 6,410 4,640 750 335 205 480 9,258 7,184 480 4,795
19710 70 45 5 10 10 0 114 80 16 60
19711 8,240 6,280 755 480 400 325 12,553 10,187 717 6,785
19713 5,720 3,915 885 400 180 340 7,782 5,754 554 4,180
19714 145 90 35 5 5 10 192 133 4 95
19715 30 30 0 0 0 0 52 47 0 25
19720 10,945 6,835 2,205 720 260 925 14,184 9,681 952 7,235
19730 180 145 15 5 5 10 248 211 8 145
19731 65 45 15 5 0 0 83 57 6 45
19732 80 65 5 5 5 0 149 131 5 75
19733 65 45 10 10 0 0 100 71 13 55
19734 2,255 1,525 340 140 70 180 3,129 2,270 198 1,585
19736 65 50 5 5 5 0 101 81 6 60
19801 2,500 1,270 800 140 30 260 2,552 1,484 142 1,305
19802 4,840 2,935 1,140 280 75 410 5,807 3,975 331 3,050
19803 5,115 3,980 280 330 310 215 8,172 6,738 528 4,470
19804 3,670 2,420 615 305 95 235 4,878 3,453 400 2,600
19805 6,615 3,635 1,695 420 150 715 7,692 4,870 508 3,895
19806 2,355 1,850 180 180 95 50 3,413 2,803 245 2,065
19807 2,045 1,560 55 175 220 35 3,530 2,880 317 1,915
19808 8,285 6,080 910 580 325 390 11,971 9,323 844 6,570
19809 2,730 1,900 405 190 75 160 3,924 2,938 271 2,010
19810 5,805 4,520 435 370 285 195 8,840 7,234 562 4,960
19850 120 75 20 5 5 15 149 103 8 75
19899 210 125 50 10 5 20 242 153 15 135
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or statistics@ssa.gov.