SSI Monthly Statistics, March 2023

Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments

Table 17. Total payments, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, March 2023 (in thousands of dollars)
State or area Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 271,840 81,107 190,733 9,357 123,618 138,865
California 257,723 78,406 179,317 8,478 115,939 133,305
Delaware 84 3 81 0 71 13
District of Columbia 926 67 858 1 533 392
Hawaii 1,105 307 798 a 476 629
Iowa 263 13 251 45 178 41
Michigan 1,322 31 1,291 2 1,028 292
Montana 54 a 53 4 40 9
Nevada 719 626 94 12 62 645
New Jersey 6,461 1,314 5,148 744 3,443 2,274
Pennsylvania 2,221 264 1,957 1 1,185 1,035
Rhode Island 99 26 73 0 36 62
Vermont 780 44 736 63 565 153
Other 83 6 76 6 61 15
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are shown only for states having federally administered optional state supplementation.
Includes retroactive payments.
a. Less than $500.