SSI Monthly Statistics, October 2023

Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments

Table 15. Number of recipients, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, October 2023
State or area Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 1,332,097 394,687 937,410 107,146 557,850 667,101
California 1,118,821 341,684 777,137 83,204 455,313 580,304
Delaware 496 20 476 0 412 84
District of Columbia 928 95 833 25 464 439
Hawaii 2,145 634 1,511 9 885 1,251
Iowa 921 33 888 118 649 154
Michigan 10,410 432 9,978 103 7,298 3,009
Montana 600 6 594 66 426 108
Nevada 16,295 15,481 814 64 509 15,722
New Jersey 163,367 34,804 128,563 22,332 80,036 60,999
Pennsylvania 3,639 490 3,149 9 1,850 1,780
Rhode Island 335 98 237 0 119 216
Vermont 13,801 858 12,943 1,164 9,708 2,929
Other 339 52 287 52 181 106
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are shown only for states having federally administered optional state supplementation.
Includes retroactive payments.