Earnings and Employment Data for Workers Covered Under Social Security and Medicare, by State and County, 2002

Rhode Island

Table 3. Number of persons in Rhode Island with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2002
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
OASDI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Rhode Island 608,301 579,372 55,549 17,366,964 16,496,561 870,402 2,153,503 2,045,574 107,930
Men 314,522 294,527 35,095 10,312,153 9,653,245 658,909 1,278,707 1,197,002 81,705
Women 293,779 284,845 20,454 7,054,810 6,843,317 211,494 874,796 848,571 26,225
Bristol 26,668 d d 881,826 d d 109,346 d d
Men 14,027 d d 547,448 d d 67,884 d d
Women 12,641 d d 334,378 d d 41,463 d d
Kent 100,773 96,307 8,828 3,009,547 2,901,501 108,046 373,184 359,786 13,398
Men 52,556 49,427 5,813 1,777,295 1,692,099 85,195 220,385 209,820 10,564
Women 48,216 46,880 3,014 1,232,253 1,209,402 22,851 152,799 149,966 2,834
Newport 49,804 46,982 5,060 1,550,641 1,442,170 108,471 192,279 178,829 13,450
Men 24,625 22,523 3,445 919,331 841,011 78,320 113,997 104,285 9,712
Women 25,179 24,459 1,615 631,310 601,159 30,151 78,282 74,544 3,739
Providence 349,976 334,986 28,636 9,533,171 9,102,082 431,089 1,182,113 1,128,658 53,455
Men 181,748 171,926 17,763 5,670,679 5,348,650 322,029 703,164 663,233 39,932
Women 168,228 163,060 10,873 3,862,492 3,753,432 109,060 478,949 465,426 13,523
Washington 77,607 73,581 8,612 2,319,093 2,194,191 124,901 287,567 272,080 15,488
Men 39,420 36,179 5,813 1,362,983 1,259,030 103,953 169,010 156,120 12,890
Women 38,188 37,402 2,799 956,110 935,162 20,948 118,558 115,960 2,598
Unknown 3,472 d d 72,686 d d 9,013 d d
Men 2,146 d d 34,418 d d 4,268 d d
Women 1,326 d d 38,268 d d 4,745 d d
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
OASDI = Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.
a. Based on Social Security annual maximum taxable earnings of $84,900 in 2002.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions. Data are not adjusted for tax refunds to persons who made excess contributions because they worked for two or more employers.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data are not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
Table 6. Number of persons in Rhode Island with Medicare Part A (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2002
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
HI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Rhode Island 616,579 588,163 58,924 19,932,406 18,693,379 1,239,026 578,040 542,108 35,932
Men 318,681 299,080 37,995 12,258,101 11,250,251 1,007,850 355,485 326,257 29,228
Women 297,897 289,083 20,929 7,674,305 7,443,129 231,176 222,555 215,851 6,704
Bristol 27,307 d d 1,203,368 d d 34,898 d d
Men 14,440 d d 823,292 d d 23,875 d d
Women 12,867 d d 380,076 d d 11,022 d d
Kent 101,998 97,619 9,445 3,521,793 3,392,612 129,181 102,132 98,386 3,746
Men 53,008 49,983 6,440 2,177,791 2,071,372 106,419 63,156 60,070 3,086
Women 48,990 47,637 3,005 1,344,002 1,321,240 22,762 38,976 38,316 660
Newport 50,365 47,535 5,474 1,767,018 1,647,004 120,014 51,244 47,763 3,480
Men 24,750 22,645 3,757 1,046,109 958,809 87,300 30,337 27,805 2,532
Women 25,615 24,889 1,717 720,909 688,195 32,714 20,906 19,958 949
Providence 354,495 339,984 30,482 10,715,790 10,042,719 673,071 310,758 291,239 19,519
Men 183,949 174,429 19,212 6,540,699 5,986,938 553,761 189,680 173,621 16,059
Women 170,546 165,555 11,270 4,175,092 4,055,781 119,310 121,078 117,618 3,460
Washington 78,937 74,872 8,801 2,648,810 2,479,967 168,843 76,815 71,919 4,896
Men 40,387 37,130 6,010 1,635,852 1,487,875 147,977 47,440 43,148 4,291
Women 38,550 37,742 2,791 1,012,958 992,092 20,866 29,376 28,771 605
Unknown 3,476 d d 75,627 d d 2,193 d d
Men 2,147 d d 34,359 d d 996 d d
Women 1,329 d d 41,268 d d 1,197 d d
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
HI = Hospital Insurance.
a. There is no annual maximum taxable amount for Medicare earnings.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data are not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.