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SSI Monthly Statistics, 2000
(released March 2001)
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SSI Federally Administered Payments
Table 1. Recipients (by type of payment), total payments, and average monthly payment, January 2000–December 2000
Table 3. Recipients of federal payment only, by eligibility category and age, January 2000–December 2000
Table 4. Recipients of federal payment and state supplementation, by eligibility category and age, January 2000–December 2000
Table 5. Recipients of state supplementation only, by eligibility category and age, January 2000–December 2000
Table 6. Total payments, by eligibility category, age, and source of payment, January 2000–December 2000
Table 7. Average monthly payment, by eligibility category, age, and source of payment, January 2000–December 2000