
Whether you are about to retire, become a full time grandparent, or start a new chapter, Social Security provides financial benefits, information, and tools to help secure today and tomorrow for you and your family.

Social Security touches your life, no matter where you are on life’s journey. Whether you just had a baby or started planning for retirement, Social Security is there for you and your family, providing vital services and a social safety net for millions.
Early Career

Think about everyone in your social network — your family and friends, your classmates and colleagues. That’s hundreds, maybe thousands of people. Social Security has each and every one of them covered and has been our nation’s cornerstone of economic security.
American Indians And Alaska Natives (AIAN)

Social Security touches the lives of every American, both directly and indirectly. We’re with you throughout life’s journey — from birth, to marriage, to caring for your family, and into retirement. Social Security offers financial benefits, information, and tools to help you and your family secure today and tomorrow.
Black/African American

Most parents apply for a child’s Social Security number at birth, usually through the hospital. When the time comes for that first job, the number is already in place.
Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders

Social Security touches the lives of every American, both directly and indirectly. We’re with you throughout life’s journey — from birth, to marriage, to caring for your family, and into retirement. Social Security offers financial benefits, information, and tools to help you and your family secure today and tomorrow.
Blind/Visually Impaired

There are different ways to receive information from us if you are blind or have a visual impairment and you have applied for or receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, or you are the representative payee for someone who has applied for or receives Social Security or SSI benefits.
Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Social Security is committed to communicating effectively with the public, which includes providing meaningful access to all SSA activities, programs, facilities, and services to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Social Security has helped secure today and tomorrow for millions of Hispanic families. With financial benefits, tools and information, we help support you and your family throughout life’s journey.

Whether you are a student or a teacher, a farm worker, a businessperson, or an immigrant and you need to do business with Social Security, you have come to the right place.

Social Security touches the life of every American, both directly and indirectly. Our commitment extends to the LGBQ community and same-sex couples covered by Social Security’s many programs and services.
Parents and Guardians

The makeup of American families has evolved over the years. Today, family units are diverse, rich in culture, and may include two parents, same-sex parents, only one parent, grandparents, and other relatives. Social Security knows that whether single parent, blended, diverse, small or large, every family is important.

Social Security touches the lives of nearly all Americans. We provide financial protection to help older Americans, wounded warriors, workers who become disabled, and families in which a spouse or parent dies. We are committed to administering our programs in a way that promotes equity and fairness to everyone who interacts with us.

Social Security travels with you along life’s journey and has your back when you need it. From birth through student life and from your first job throughout your career, we offer financial protections, information, and tools to help you secure your future.
Veterans/Wounded Warriors

Social Security has always changed to meet the needs of the people we serve and will continue to help support you and your family. Whether you are about to retire, become a full time grandparent, or start a new chapter, Social Security can help you secure today and tomorrow. Social Security salutes all Veterans for their service and sacrifice.

In the 21st century, more women work, pay Social Security taxes, and earn credit toward monthly retirement income than at any other time in our nation’s history. Whether you are about to retire, become a full-time grandparent, or start a new chapter, Social Security provides financial benefits, information, and tools to help secure today and tomorrow for you and your family.