Short-Range Actuarial Projections of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program, 2001
Actuarial Study No. 115
Chris Motsiopoulos and Tim Zayatz, A.S.A.
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List of Tables

II.1 Selected OASDI Short-Range Economic Assumptions
II.2 Average Amount of Total Wages
II.3 Cost-of-Living Benefit Increases, Average Wage Index Increases, OASDI Contribution and Benefit Base, and Retirement Earnings Test Exempt Amounts
II.4 Selected OASDI Program Amounts Determined Under the Automatic-Adjustment Provisions
II.5 Interest Rates for Special Public-Debt Obligations Issuable to the OASI and DI Trust Funds
II.6 Selected OASDI Short-Range Demographic Assumptions
II.7 Selected OASDI Short-Range Programmatic Assumptions

III.A1 Workers Insured for Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits
III.A2 Social Security Area Population Under Normal Retirement Age
III.A3 Workers Under Normal Retirement Age Who Are Fully Insured
III.A4 Labor Force Participation Rates

Disability Insurance Program-Number of Beneficiaries

III.A5 Workers Insured in the Event of Disability as a Percent of Fully Insured
III.A6 Workers Insured in the Event of Disability
III.A7 DI Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force
III.A8 DI Disabled Worker Incidence Rates
III.A9 DI Disabled Worker Awards
III.A10 DI Disabled Worker Total Termination Rates
III.A11 DI Disabled Worker Termination Rates Due to Death
III.A12 DI Disabled Worker Termination Rates Due to Recovery
III.A13 DI Disabled Worker Termination Rates Due to "Other" Reasons
III.A14 DI Disabled Worker Total
III.A15 DI Disabled Worker Terminations Due to Death
III.A16 DI Disabled Worker Terminations Due to Recovery
III.A17 DI Disabled Worker Terminations Due to "Other" Reasons
III.A18 DI Disabled Worker Withheld Rates
III.A19 DI Disabled Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.A20 DI Disabled Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.A21 DI Awards to Young and Aged Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.A22 DI Awards to Minor, Disabled, and Student Children of Disabled Workers
III.A23 DI Male Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A24 DI Female Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A25 DI Total Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A26 DI Young Wives of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A27 DI Young Husbands of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A28 DI Aged Wives of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A29 DI Aged Husbands of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A30 DI Total Spouses of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A31 DI Minor Children of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A32 DI Disabled Children of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.A33 DI Student Children of Disabled Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program-Number of Beneficiaries

III.B1 Population in the Social Security Area, Age 60 or Older
III.B2 OASI Workers Who Are Fully Insured, Age 60 or Older
III.B3 Retired Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B4 Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits In Force
III.B5 Retired and Disabled Workers and Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits In Force, Age 60 or Older
III.B6 Retired and Disabled Workers and Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits In Force, Age 60 or Older as a Percentage of Fully Insured Population
III.B7 Awards to Retired Workers and Insured Aged Widows and Widowers, as a Percentage of Eligible Nonretired and Nondisabled Workers
III.B8 Awards to Retired Workers
III.B9 Awards to Insured Aged Widows and Widowers
III.B10 Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B11 Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Retired Workers In Force
III.B12 Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B13 Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits Withheld
III.B14 Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Insured Aged Widow(ers) In Force
III.B15 Insured Aged Widows and Widowers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B16 Retired Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B17 Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B18 Non-Orphan and Orphan Population, Under 18, in the Social Security Area
III.B19 Minor Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B20 Awards to Minor Children of Retired Workers, as a Percentage of the Non-Orphan Population
III.B21 Awards to Minor Children of Retired Workers
III.B22 Minor Children of Retired Workers With Benefits Workers
III.B23 Minor Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B24 Minor Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B25 Awards to Minor Children of Deceased Workers as a Percentage of the Orphan Population
III.B26 Awards to Minor Children of Deceased Workers
III.B27 Minor Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B28 Minor Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B29 Uninsured Population in the Social Security Area
III.B30 Disabled Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B31 Awards to Disabled Children of Retired Workers, as a Percentage of the Uninsured Population
III.B32 Awards to Disabled Children of Retired Workers
III.B33 Disabled Children of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B34 Numbers of Disabled Children of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Disabled Children In Force
III.B35 Disabled Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B36 Disabled Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B37 Awards to Disabled Children of Deceased Workers, as a Percentage of the Uninsured Population
III.B38 Awards to Disabled Children of Deceased Workers
III.B39 Disabled Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B40 Disabled Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Disabled Children In Force
III.B41 Disabled Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B42 Student Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B43 Student Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force, Awarded, Terminated, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B44 Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force and as a Percent of Male Retired Workers In Force
III.B45 Children of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status and as a Percent of Male Retired Workers In Current-Payment Status
III.B46 Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B47 Children of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B48 Young Spouses of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B49 Awards to Young Spouses of Retired Workers, Per 1,000 Awards to Eligible Children of Retired Workers
III.B50 Awards to Young Spouses of Retired
III.B51 Young Spouses of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Young Spouses In Force
III.B52 Young Spouses of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B53 Young Spouses of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B54 Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B55 Awards to Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers, Per 1,000 Awards to Eligible Children of Deceased Workers
III.B56 Awards to Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers
III.B57 Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld, as a Percentage of Young Widow(er)s In Force
III.B58 Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B59 Young Widow(er)s of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B60 Young Wives of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B61 Young Husbands of Retired Workers With Benefits In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B62 Mother Beneficiaries In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B63 Father Beneficiaries In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B64 Disabled Widows of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B65 Disabled Widows of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B66 Disabled Widows of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B67 Disabled Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force
III.B68 Disabled Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B69 Disabled Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B70 Aged Wives of Retired Workers and Uninsured Widows of Deceased Workers, Under Age 65, With Benefits In Force
III.B71 Aged Wives of Retired Workers and Uninsured Widows of Deceased Workers, Age 65 or Older, With Benefits In Force
III.B72 Aged Wives of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B73 Aged Wives of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B74 Aged Uninsured Widows of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B75 Aged Widows of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B76 Aged Husbands of Retired Workers and Uninsured Widowers of Deceased Workers, Under Age 65, With Benefits In Force
III.B77 Aged Husbands of Retired Workers and Uninsured Widowers of Deceased Workers, Age 65 or Older, With Benefits In Force
III.B78 Aged Husbands of Retired Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B79 Aged Husbands of Retired Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B80 Aged Uninsured Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
III.B81 Aged Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Current-Payment Status
III.B82 Parents of Deceased Workers With Benefits In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B83 Special Age-72 Beneficiaries In Force, Withheld, and In Current-Payment Status
III.B84 Summary of OASDI Beneficiaries In Current-Payment Status

OASDI Average Award Amounts

III.C1 DI Average Monthly Benefit Awarded to Disabled Workers
III.C2 DI Average Monthly Benefit Awarded to Young and Aged Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.C3 DI Average Monthly Benefit Awarded to Minor, Disabled, and Student Children of Disabled Workers
III.C4 Average Monthly Benefit Awarded to Retired Workers
III.C5 Average Monthly Benefit Awarded to Survivors of Deceased Workers

Disability Insurance Program-Benefit Payments

III.D1 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Male Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D2 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Female Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D3 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Total Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated,and In Current-Payment Status
III.D4 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Young Wives of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D5 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Young Husbands of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D6 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Aged Wives of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D7 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Aged Husbands of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D8 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Total Spouses of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D9 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Minor Children of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D10 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Disabled Children of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D11 DI Average Monthly Benefit to Student Children of Disabled Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.D12 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Disabled Workers
III.D13 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Young Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.D14 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Aged Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.D15 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Total Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.D16 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Children of Disabled Workers
III.D17 DI Current-Payment Benefits to Total Children of Disabled Workers
III.D18 DI Non-Current-Payment Benefits
III.D19 DI Current-Payment, Non-Current-Payment, and Total Benefits for All Beneficiaries
III.D20 DI Current-Payment, Non-Current-Payment, and Total Benefits for Disabled Workers
III.D21 DI Current-Payment, Non-Current-Payment, and Total Benefits for Spouses of Disabled Workers
III.D22 DI Current-Payment, Non-Current-Payment, and Total Benefits for Children of Disabled Workers

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program-Benefit Payments

III.E1 Average Monthly Benefit of Retired Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E2 Average Monthly Benefit to Young and Aged Spouses of Retired Workers In Current-Payment Status
III.E3 Average Monthly Benefit to Minor, Disabled, and Student Children of Retired Workers In Current-Payment Status
III.E4 Average Monthly Benefit to Minor Child Survivors of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E5 Average Monthly Benefit to Disabled Child Survivors of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E6 Average Monthly Benefit to Student Child Survivors of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E7 Average Monthly Benefit to Aged Widows and Widowers of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E8 Average Monthly Benefit to Mother and Father Beneficiaries In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E9 Average Monthly Benefit to Parents of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E10 Average Monthly Benefit to Disabled Widows and Widowers of Deceased Workers In Force, Awarded, Terminated, and In Current-Payment Status
III.E11 Average Monthly Benefit to Special Age-72 Beneficiaries In Current-Payment Status
III.E12 Current-Payment Benefits to Retired
III.E13 Current-Payment Benefits to Young Spouses of Retired Workers
III.E14 Current-Payment Benefits to Aged Spouses of Retired Workers
III.E15 Current-Payment Benefits to Total Spouses of Retired Workers
III.E16 Current-Payment Benefits to Children of Retired Workers
III.E17 Current-Payment Benefits to Children of Deceased Workers
III.E18 Current-Payment Benefits to OASI Children
III.E19 Current-Payment Benefits to Aged Widows and Widowers of Deceased Workers
III.E20 Current-Payment Benefits to Mother and Father Beneficiaries
III.E21 Current-Payment Benefits to Parents of Deceased Workers
III.E22 Current-Payment Benefits to Disabled Widows and Widowers of Deceased Workers
III.E23 Current-Payment Benefits to Special Age-72 Beneficiaries
III.E24 Non-Current-Payment Benefits to Retired Workers and Dependents, Other Than Benefits Due to AERO
III.E25 Non-Current-Payment Benefits to Retired Workers and Dependents
III.E26 Non-Current-Payment Benefits to Survivors of Deceased Workers, Other Than Benefits Due to AERO
III.E27 Non-Current-Payment Benefits to Survivors of Deceased Workers
III.E28 Lump-Sum Death Benefits
III.E29 Number of OASI Beneficiaries Receiving Both a Retired-Worker and Secondary Benefit, by Type of Secondary Benefit
III.E30 Average Reduced Secondary Benefits for OASI Beneficiaries Receiving Both a Retired-Worker and Secondary Benefit, by Type of Secondary Benefit
III.E31 Reduced Secondary Benefits of OASI Beneficiaries Receiving Both a Retired-Worker and Secondary Benefit, by Type of Secondary Benefit
III.E32 Adjusted Current-Payment Benefits, Non-Current-Payment Benefits, and Total Benefits to OASI Beneficiaries
III.E33 Summary of OASDI Current-Payment Benefits
III.E34 Summary of OASDI Non-Current-Payment Benefits
III.E35 Summary of OASDI Benefit Payments

IV.1 Contribution Rates to the OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.2 FICA, SECA, and State Deposit Revenue to the OASI Trust Fund
IV.3 FICA, SECA, and State Deposit Revenue to the DI Trust Fund
IV.4 Income from Taxation of OASI and DI Benefits
IV.5 Benefits Withheld from Nonresident Aliens and Credited to the OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.6 Payments to the OASI and DI Trust Funds due to Military Service Credits
IV.7 Reimbursements for Payments to Uninsured Persons Who Attained Age 72 Before 1968
IV.8 Interest Paid to the OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.9 Reimbursements to the OASI and DI Trust Funds due to Unnegotiated Checks
IV.10 Expenses for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Paid by the OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.11 Transfers Between the OASI and DI Trust Funds and the Railroad Retirement Program
IV.12 Net Administrative Expenses from the OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.13 Operations of the OASI Trust Fund
IV.14 Operations of the DI Trust Fund
IV.15 Operations of the Combined OASI and DI Trust Funds
IV.16 Trust Fund Ratios of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds
IV.17 Comparison of Income Rates and Cost Rates of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds

Low-Cost Assumptions

V.A1 Selected OASDI Short-Range Economic Assumptions
V.A2 Average Amount of Total Wages
V.A3 Cost-of-Living Benefit Increases, Average Wage Index Increases, OASDI Contribution and Benefit Bases, and Retirement Earnings Test Exempt Amounts
V.A4 Selected OASDI Program Amounts Determined Under the Automatic-Adjustment Provisions
V.A5 Selected OASDI Short-Range Demographic Assumptions
V.A6 Selected OASDI Short-Range Programmatic Assumptions
V.A7 Summary of OASDI Beneficiaries In Current-Payment Status
V.A8 Summary of OASDI Benefit Payments
V.A9 Operations of the OASI Trust Fund
V.A10 Operations of the DI Trust Fund
V.A11 Operations of the Combined OASI and DI Trust Funds
V.A12 Trust Fund Ratios of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds
V.A13 Comparison of Income Rates and Cost Rates of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds

High-Cost Assumptions

V.B1 Selected OASDI Short-Range Economic Assumptions
V.B2 Average Amount of Total Wages
V.B3 Cost-of-Living Benefit Increases, Average Wage Index Increases, OASDI Contribution and Benefit Bases, and Retirement Earnings Test Exempt Amounts
V.B4 Selected OASDI Program Amounts Determined Under the Automatic-Adjustment
V.B5 Selected OASDI Short-Range Demographic Assumptions
V.B6 Selected OASDI Short-Range Programmatic Assumptions
V.B7 Summary of OASDI Beneficiaries In Current-Payment Stauts
V.B8 Summary of OASDI Benefit Payments
V.B9 Operations of the OASI Trust Fund
V.B10 Operations of the DI Trust Fund
V.B11 Operations of the Combined OASI and DI Trust Funds
V.B12 Trust Fund Ratios of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds
V.B13 Comparison of Income Rates and Cost Rates of the OASI, DI, and Combined Trust Funds

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December 26, 2001